almost 5 years ago
– Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 07:38:15 PM
That’s a wrap folks! Our very first Kickstarter campaign has come to an end and we’re blown away by all the support. We hit our goal and unlocked 6 stretch goal cards too!
We’ll move into production and fulfillment as soon as possible and we’ll keep you up to date on every step along the way. Thank you to all our backers, we can’t wait to get Dumpster Fire into your hands.
We've hit another stretch goal!
almost 5 years ago
– Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 12:40:03 AM
Only 16 hours to go, but thanks to a run of pledges, we've crossed stretch goal 6!
This time the new card is a Fallout card: Redemption.
Fallout cards are nice because they allow you to lock an agenda and prevent interference from other players, and you can use Redemption for that purpose. If you find yourself with the most scandals, you might want to use Redemption on another player's agenda instead, to clear out a few scandals right away. Waiting for your turn runs the risk of some other player being stuck with even more scandals than you (making them the subject of its effect).
200% Funded, and stretch goal 5!
almost 5 years ago
– Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 08:53:09 PM
We've had a lot of ups and downs this week, but with only 36 hours to go, we've hit double our starting goal! Thank you so much to everyone who's backed us, hitting $5,000 always felt like a long shot, so it's extra exciting to see it become a reality! Another stretch goal means another card: This time it's an Executive Action card: Pivot
Executive Actions are a required play if you have one, and it takes up your turn when you do; Pivot is no exception. Typically these cards offer no control, but Pivot allows the player to pick another person to trade cards with. A player with few or no scandal cards might trade to get less total cards and shoot for a quick win, while a player bogged down with scandals might be better served by choosing someone with a lot of cards, to set up for a massive agenda on their next turn.
This might be the last update before our Kickstarter concludes, so spread the word to anyone you think would be interested. Thanks again for supporting us!
Stretch goal 4 crossed!
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Mar 05, 2020 at 06:45:40 PM
Only 10 days left, but we're still knocking down stretch goals! This stretch goal brings us a new Meddling card: Misquote, and it's one of the most potent cards in the deck.
Meddling cards can be played at almost any time in the game, whether it's your turn or not, which makes them a lot more flexible than other cards. They can't be played on Big League or Fallout cards, or while a speaker is in the process of laying out his Agenda, but any other time is fair game. Misquote's ability to both negate another card, and then give it to you, can lead to some exceptional reversals. One particularly spiteful example would be to claim a Misdirect card with it, and then play that Misdirect card against it's original owner!
Just keep in mind, there may be long term consequences if it isn't a game winning maneuver, so subtler plays may be a better option.
Thanks again to everyone who's helped spread the word about Dumpster Fire, and for those of you who are local, we'll be showing off the game this Saturday, so check out our Facebook page for details!
Our third stretch goal reached!
almost 5 years ago
– Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 06:24:06 PM
We've crossed the $4000 threshold, all thanks to your pledges! Another stretch goal down means another card added to the deck. In this case its an Antagonize card: Distract
Antagonize cards are especially valuable because you can pile as many as you'd like into your agenda for a really powerful play. Distract is particularly valuable because it lets you discard a scandal, and is harder to interfere with because you're not trying to force an effect onto another player. It's especially useful for getting rid of Leaks , since they can't be buried normally like other scandal cards.
As always, thanks for supporting us, and helping to make Dumpster Fire bigger, better and more entertaining!